8 ian. 2008

Sweet ambiguity = it's feeling addiction through your blood, though you have tried quitting, when in fact you never really wanted to quit.
One is the Queen/King of her/his only Vice, the sweetest, the deepest, the blissest ("bliss" can bare comparison degree in this context), the one that makes one drool for more and can't have enough.
Though ambiguous, though unexplained the Vice has grown inside one in time because of an inner need of it, latent, existing, urging for it. Sweet ambiguity is Love, is the feeling we all tried to explain at some point of our life; so indefinable, so mystic and sublime, so recognizable!
Sweet ambiguity is a syndrome! A malady!
For me it’s generalised! Critical … :D

Un comentariu:

raluca spunea...

si cum vorbesti pe inteles, si cum te pot pricepe...:)....:(